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Artículos Científicos

Alvarez R, Steinbach S, De Paepe J, (2017) Cover crop effects on soils and subsequent crops in the pampas: A meta-analysis. Soil and Tillage Research, Volume 170, 2017, Pages 53-65. Link

Caviglia, O., Sadras, V.O., Andrade, F.H., (2004) Intensification of agriculture in the south-eastern Pampas I. Capture and efficiency in the use of water and radiation in double-cropped wheat–soybean. Field Crops Res. 87, 117–129. Link

Jackson, R. B., Lajtha, K., Crow, S. E., Hugelius, G., Kramer, M. G. & Piñeiro, G. (2017) The Ecology of Soil Carbon: Pools, Vulnerabilities, and Biotic and Abiotic controls.  Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics.  48:419–45  Link

Novelli L., Octavio P.Caviglia O. & Piñeiro G.(2017) Increased cropping intensity improves crop residue inputs to the soil and aggregate-associated soil organic carbon stocks. Soil and Tillage Research. Volume 165, Pages 128-136 Link

Schmidt MW1, Torn MS, Abiven S, Dittmar T, Guggenberger G, Janssens IA, Kleber M, Kögel-Knabner I, Lehmann J, Manning DA, Nannipieri P, Rasse DP, Weiner S, Trumbore SE. (2011) Persistence of soil organic matter as an ecosystem property. Nature, 478(7367):49-56  Link

Pinto, P., Fernández Long, M. E. & Piñeiro, G. 2017. Including cover crops during fallow periods for increasing ecosystem services: Is it possible in croplands of Southern South America?  Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 248: 48-57 Link

Pinto P. (2017) Evaluación de la fijación biológica de nitrógeno y la producción de raíces en distintos cultivos de servicios y sus efectos sobre las reservas de C y N orgánico del suelo. Tesis doctoral. Facultad de Agronomía, UBA. (PDF)